Pres. Obama Explains Why Republican Governor Jan Brewer Had Her Fingers In His Face /
When I first saw this picture, I really didn’t think anything of it, which is why I decided not to post on it. However, I woke up this morning and looked at my Google alerts and realized the story had taken on a life of its own. Today, after becoming an embarrassment to her state of Arizona for putting her finger in the president’s face, Jan Brewer now says that she felt “threatened” by the president. I normally do not pull the race card—however, this dog-whistle racism that Republicans have been using since this president was elected is so clear to me. This is a modern-day example of ‘white woman crying rape against the angry black man.’ By the looks of this picture, I doubt that the Governor felt, in any way, threatened by the president—in fact, you can even see a slight grin on the president’s face. What it looks like is Gov. Jan Brewer chastising a president whom she doesn’t believe deserves respect.
Since Brewer’s claim that she felt “threatened” by the president went viral, two mayors of Arizona (who witnessed the meeting between the president and the governor) have come out combating her statements. One of the mayors, who happens to be a Republican, said that the exchange was a bit “awkward,” while another mayor said that the president “wasn’t tense at all” he went on to say that the president “looked Brewer straight in the eye and told her how he was really feeling.” According to the White House, Obama approached Gov. Brewer about her book, Scorpions for Breakfast, where she described the president as “patronizing” and “condescending.” Here’s Obama’s explanation of what happened---
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